Why You Need to Buy Younique Moodstruck 3D
Fiber Lashes Mascara
Regular Mascara
Anyone who reads my site knows that I am a MAC Cosmetics fan and have used their products almost exclusively for just about 20 years now. (Whoa I feel old…). I have been a makeup artist for a number of years and I have tried SO MANY different mascaras I cannot even count. I have tried Maybelline, Cover Girl – especially if I see a commercial that looks super amazing and makes me want to run to the nearest drug store to try it! I have tried Dior Show, Lancome, Clinique, Laura Mercier, and about 10 different mascaras that MAC makes (that is not an exaggeration by any means, literally I have tried 10 different mascaras MAC either currently makes or has made in the past). I do have a few go-to MAC mascaras that I use on a regular basis, which does usually involve some level of mixing, in order to get the right mix of volumizing and separating. Let’s just say I want my lashes to look the best they can look.
Beyond Mascaras
I have also used false eyelashes. This usually involves some horrible struggle with me, duo glue, and never quite getting the lash line to line up so that my eyeliner looks right. It is usually messy, sticky, and feels wrong all day and/or night.
When it started becoming popular on Groupon I started joining the eyelash extension crowd. That is 1) Time consuming (3 hours on a Sunday every 4 weeks), 2) Costly, and 3) Doesn’t allow me to use my eyelash curler or mascara in between fills, so right before you get them filled, there is a good week where your lashes look pretty pitiful and sad.
The Amazingness of Younique Moodstruck 3D Fiber Lashes
I will admit, I was skeptical at first. I saw a few pictures online, and I had tried a drug store brand fiber lash mascara in the past. Let me tell you, this mascara will CHANGE YOUR LIFE! SERIOUSLY! If you like to have amazing full, long lashes that literally look just as good as extensions, while taking less than 2 minutes to apply – this is totally for you!!!!!! AMAZING!!
- First, you can curl your lashes and apply your regular mascara if you want (or some people don’t even do that first part – I do).
- Next, you apply the Transplanting Gel – it is the longer of the two tubes you receive and it looks like and goes on just like regular mascara.
- Immediately, while the Transplanting Gel is still wet – you apply the natural fibers, they adhere to the Transplanting Gel and extend your eyelashes in thickness and in length.
- Last, you go over the natural fibers with another coat of the Transplanting Gel to set it, and lock them into place.
- I make sure to do steps 3,4,and 5 right away one eye at a time for best results.
That is it. Very simple. The last coat of the Transplanting Gel smooths out the fibers, sets everything where you want it, and makes your eyelashes look super AWESOME!! Here are some before and after pictures. The before pictures are with my regular mascara and eye makeup the same morning just before applying the Younique 3D Fiber Lashes – which you can see in the after picture just a couple minutes later. They look noticeably fuller and longer. I have gotten comments from co-workers and friends. I cannot recommend this mascara enough. Seriously. Go buy it. I bought it from the nicest woman who sells the Younique products. Her name is Rebecca. Here is a link to where you can buy the mascara from her: www.youniqueproducts.com/rebeccahunwardsen
Here are the before and after photos:

See what I mean?? Go buy it!!